Tuesday, 30 November 2010

E-thesis & Dissertation Bibliography

Digital Scholarship have released version 5 of their E-thesis and Dissertation Bibliography.

'This selective bibliography includes articles, books, conference papers, technical reports, unpublished e-prints and other scholarly textual resources that are useful in understanding e-theses and dissertations.'

Digital Scholarship have also collated bibliographies relating to:

Institutional Repositories
Digital Curation and Preservation
Open Access Journals
Scholarly Electronic Publishing

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

OA Week Competition winner: Misha Jepson, Glyndŵr University

We are pleased to announce Misha from Glyndŵr University as our OA Competition winner!!

Misha’s engagement story described the use of advocacy to both gain the attention of an institution’s senior management team and to effectively put across the benefits of a repository to an institution. The story showed the importance of the ‘Elevator Pitch’ advocacy technique in grabbing opportunities where you can to get your case heard. It also showed how aligning the use of the repository with the institution’s strategic aims can embed the system within an institution’s structure.

A copy of Misha's winning story is available here.

RAE data available for download: JISC MERIT project

A new resource which may be of interest to those who are looking to use their institutions’ RAE data to populate their repository and/ or other publication management systems.

The JISC MERIT project has just launched its RAE submissions database which contains data on every UK institutions’ RAE submission.

The database offers faceted searching on the citation data held by: institution; Unit of Assessment; output type; author. The results of any combination of these searches can then be exported and saved to Excel files.

From what I can see the database only holds citation data. It does not seem to offer full-text, links out and/or DOI look ups.